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Here's what the students have to say about life at OBI...

First things first, how's the food?
  • The food is surprisingly good and there's a decent variety. It is pretty much stuff kids like. 
  • I especially like that there is a salad bar at every meal. 
  • They make super amazing meals for special occasions!


What are sports teams with no try-outs like?
  • I never would have had a chance to be on the team if there had been try-outs.  
  • With hard work, our teams are pretty great for a small school. 
  • Where I come from, football is a big deal, but I've learned to like other sports  like soccer and basketball. 
What are the options for fine arts and other extra-curricular activities?
  • There are almost too many things to choose from.  I am not a sports person, so I really enjoy music and learning how to play the guitar.
  • People's personalities really come out when they get involved in drama productions. It is hilarious. 
  • The farm is amazing.  We don’t have anything like that where I’m from.
What are your thoughts on academics?
  • School is school, but the teachers are cool.
  • If you need help, they are there to help.  
  • Sky's the limit if you want to apply yourself - dual enrollment and AP classes...
  • Small class sizes really make a difference.
What are your thoughts on chapel and other activities with a spiritual emphasis?
  • At first, it was very different for me to go to chapel every day, but now I look forward to it.  Pretty much everyone feels that way, but they don't say it.
  • The speakers are very interesting and what they have to say makes a difference. 
  • My parents never took me to church, so this is a first for me.  I like it okay.
  • I love Dr. Price!
Anything else you want to share with prospective students? 
  • The town of Oneida is super small, but the school has a lot to offer if you want to get involved.  Teachers and administrators do a lot for the students and take us to really nice places around Kentucky.
  • With Dollar General right around the corner, it made a nice improvement. 
  • I've never met kids from other countries before.  It's been a good experience.  
  • People at OBI are what make it special. 
First Day of Sch