Alumni & Former Students
Stay Connected with OBI. Update your mail/email and phone number with our Alumni Director, Whitney Stratton.
- Update your information using this Google form.
- E-mail: alumni@ oneidaschool.org
- Telephone: 606-847-4111 ext. 201
Follow us on social media!
• Facebook: OBI.KY
• Twitter: @OneidaBaptist
• Instagram: oneida.baptist.institute
News & Events
Watch for more news specific to alumni and former students in upcoming issues of The Oneida Mountaineer.
Not on the mail or email list? Email: diane.dimsey@ oneidaschool.org
or call:
606-847-4111 ext. 292
We receive letters frequently from former students who have fond memories of their time at Oneida but did not graduate here. Former students are a part of the OBI family! If you know of a former student who would like to be connected to OBI, please put them in touch with us!
Email: alumni@ oneidaschool.org
Call: 606-847-4111
Mark your calendars!
Homecoming 2024 is Saturday, October 19.
All alumni, former students, former staff, friends and supporters are welcome!
Help spread the word! Reach out to your former classmates and invite them to meet you at OBI!
Come and see all the campus improvements and relive some memories in the beauty of our Appalachian hills!