Former Student's Gift Paves the Way for New Facility
Dedicated in 2019, a new girls’ dormitory and classroom building was named in honor of Mr. Jen-Hsun Huang, the founder, president and CEO of NVIDIA Corporation, one of the world’s leading technology companies, and Fortune Magazine’s 2017 Business Person of the Year.
Mr Huang and his wife, Lori, graciously provided a matching grant of two million dollars. Jen-Hsun Huang Hall is 34,000 square feet and houses 32 dorm rooms with a capacity for 128 girls and 12 classrooms.
Mr. Huang was nine years old in the mid-1970's when he and his brother came from Taiwan to live in the dormitory of Oneida Baptist Institute. Because OBI was only a high school at the time, the boys walked across the swinging bridge over the South Fork of the Kentucky River to attend classes at the public Oneida Elementary School.
Mr. Gritton began his remarks at the August 2, 2019 dedication ceremony by sharing Matthew 19:14: “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them for the Kingdom of God belongs to them.” He acknowledged and thanked the many friends and supporters who gave to the Huang Hall project. He noted that Huang Hall will “... be a place we can be proud of and a place that will reinforce with our students what we strive to instill in them every day: You are somebody and God loves and cares for you.”

joined the Huang family in the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Photos of the dedication ceremony and tour of the building.
Photos of the 2017 groundbreaking ceremony and construction of Huang Hall.